Notejoy allows you to easily forward emails into Notejoy to create notes. This is great for saving reference emails, converting conversations into notes, and even jotting down quick thoughts that you want to flush out later.
All you need to do is forward any email to As long as you send the email from your registered Notejoy email address, the note will automatically be added to your account. You can also authorize additional email addresses from Email Settings.
Image and document attachments will also be uploaded and embedded into the note with full support for our image galleries and in-line document viewers.
By default, the note will be created in your account's default notebook. This is originally My Notebook, which was created in your personal library when you created your account. You can customize your default notebook by right-clicking on any notebook in the sidebar and selecting Make Default. You can also specify which notebook you'd like each individual email added to by appending @notebook name at the end of the email's subject line. Any personal or team notebook that you have edit permissions in will work.
You can include tags in both the subject or body of the email by including #tag.
Get started now by forwarding an email to

Some things to keep in mind...
- When specifying a multiple word notebook name, you don't need to put the notebook name in quotes as Notejoy will automatically match the entire name after the @ sign. You also don't have to worry about matching the notebook's capitalization. So for example, you can just type @my notebook to place it in My Notebook. If multiple notebooks have the same name, Notejoy will place the note in the first matching notebook (based on the order of your notebooks shown in the sidebar).
- If you deleted the default My Notebook, make sure to specify a new default notebook by right-clicking on a notebook in the sidebar and selecting Make Default
- Notejoy will only save emails that are less than 20MB in total size, including the size of all attachments
- Notejoy will only save emails that have less than 25 attachments
- Emails will not be saved if you have exceeded your plan's file upload or library upload limit