Refer Notejoy
Earn a 25% commission for referring Notejoy
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How it works
Share your personal referral link with individuals, in emails, on social media, on your website, and more. When a new user signs up for Notejoy after clicking on your link, they'll be tagged as being referred by you. You'll then receive 25% of any subscription fees they pay in the first year after signup.
Payout method
You can choose to receive your commission as either a credit on your Notejoy account or as a PayPal payment.
Payout minimum
There is a $10 minimum to receive a PayPal payment. If the current quarterly payment is under $10, it will be rolled over to a subsequent quarter.
Payout schedule
Payouts are paid once a quarter on April 15, July 15, Oct 15, and January 15.
Eligible users
You are only eligible to receive commissions on new users that signup for Notejoy after clicking on your referral link. Commissions will be disqualified if the user or organization previously had an account with Notejoy.
More details
You can read all the details of the referral program here.