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Frequently Asked Questions
Plans & Billing
How much does Notejoy cost?
How do I tell if a library is upgraded?
What does the "Add to organization" checkbox do?
What forms of payment do you accept?
When will I be billed?
How am I billed for additional team members?
What happens when I remove team members from my plan?
What happens when I change my plan type?
Do you offer refunds?
How can I remove users for my plan?
Is there a non-profit or educational discount available?
Can I set up a trial for my team?
How do I view my past bills?
How do I upgrade my account?
How do I change my billing info?
Is there an academic or student discount?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I change my billing info?
You can change your billing details, including your credit card information, from
Plan Settings