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Frequently Asked Questions
What features does Notejoy have?
Where can I find what new features Notejoy has added?
What's the quickest way to learn about Notejoy?
How do I install Notejoy for Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android?
How do I create a team library or notebook?
Does Notejoy support Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)?
Can I view or present my notes full-screen?
Can I share with team members outside of my company's domain?
Where can I share my feature requests?
How do I remove a user from a team library?
Do you offer product demos?
How do I add emoji to a note?
How do I add users to a team library?
Does Notejoy publish its roadmap?
How do I re-order my list of team libraries?
How do I re-order my list of notebooks?
What browsers are supported?
How do I see how much storage I've used?
Who is the team behind Notejoy?
How do I uninstall the Notejoy desktop app?
What features does Notejoy have?
There are two great ways to learn about Notejoy's features:
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