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Highlight comments

Notejoy offers the ability to create a comment associated with specific text within a note. We call these highlight comments. We've worked hard to make this as elegant of an experience as the rest of Notejoy.

To take advantage of highlight comments, select some text in the editor, press the comment icon that shows up, and type your comment. Note authors will receive a notification and all note viewers will then be able to click on your highlight to view the associated comment in Chatter.

If you made a typo, you can easily edit a comment at any point by selecting the dots next to the comment and selecting Edit Comment.

We also allow you to archive comments to hide comments you've dealt with. This will ensure the comment's associated text is no longer highlighted within the editor as well as hide the comment within Chatter. To archive a comment, hover over the comment in Chatter, click the dots, and press Archive.