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Feature Requests / Show numbers of changed notes next to the names of the libraries and notebooks in the sidebar
Show numbers of changed notes next to the names of the libraries and notebooks in the sidebar
Votes: Tonda
You probably know this from your mail application if you use automatic sorting. Let's say you have folder Clients with subfolders Company A and Company B. When you download new messages and get 2 new mails from company A and 3 from company B, you can see the numbers in the sidebar next to the names (let's say you have another 25 unread messages in the inbox):

Inbox (25)
Clients (5)
- Company A (2)
- Company B (3)

It would be nice to be able to see in similar way numbers of changed notes in the notebooks and libraries. Point is, when you have more shared libraries with lots of activity and open Notejoy after some time, it is impossible to see with one look what was changed where, not to mention that many people are simply used to this way of recognizing new or changed items.

Alternative is to show next to the names two numbers: one showing number of notes with the changes and another showing number of notes with new messages.

When in notebook in the list of notes, you should be then able to somehow recognize the changed ones (different background or font style...?), or alternatively see on each note number of changes inside (or again two numbers - number of changes and number of new messages).