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Feature Requests / Drag and drop PDFs and other documents
Drag and drop PDFs and other documents launched
Votes: Romeo, Dennis, Karl, Мебели Вега, Muhammad, Jinu, Jerome, Kevin, Adam, Andrew, Dennis, Tyler, Timo, Chuck, Romeo, K, John, Jan, Joco, Hali, Shane, Daniel, Marc, Jan K., Paresh, Aaron, Robert, Len, Matt, Paphunkkorn, AJ, Brian, Saad, António, Pamela, Stéphanie, Don, End Alzheimer's, Tony, Muhammad Zain, Richard, Andrew, Nish, Nathan, Gary, Neil, Steve, Shane, Kay, Amy ...
Drag and drop PDFs and other documents should create new notes for each document in the assigned owner's folder and library.
Today you can drag & drop documents into a Notejoy note, which will embed the document into the note. Sounds like you want to create a separate note for each dragged document. You can do that with our import functionality. Details here: Import notes
Sachin, 6 years ago admin