Fast and focused notes
for you and your team
Capture at the speed of thought
Designed to be the fastest way of getting ideas out of your head
Collaborate like they are in the room
Whether you are collaborating in real-time or across time zones, Notejoy makes your colleagues feel like they are right there with you
Search your second brain
Leverage Notejoy's blazingly fast quick find and powerful search to find exactly what you are looking for
See Notejoy in action
Available everywhere you need it
Integrates with your favorite apps
The possibilities are endless
Loved by 100,000+ professionals around the world
With Notejoy, it is much easier for our team to collaborate and to find docs. We can insert Google Docs and Excel spreadsheets, and it works seamlessly with our internal tools to collaborate and prepare our internal communications.
Tom Harvey
Recruiting, Zapier
We've come to rely on Notejoy as our internal knowledge system, ensuring everything we've learned isn't lost to the sands of time. It serves a completely different purpose than Slack, Google Docs, or other solutions out there. Every time I see people contributing to Notejoy, I get the feeling that we're building our company's long-term strategic assets.
Karthik Sridharan
CEO, Kinnek
Our team is always on the go, and Notejoy keeps us coordinated and looking good to our clients because we always have the latest information available.
Alan Wang
Founder, Alan Wang Realty
Since the day I signed up for Notejoy, I've been hooked to it! To say Notejoy is a great online notebook app is quite an understatement; it's absolutely my favorite productivity tool and note-taking app!
Katrina Coloso